miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013


This first project consisted on, by groups of four people, answer key questions about school guidance and counselling by looking for information in resources (links and videos) that the teacher provided us and others we can look for, in order to present it finally to the rest of the class. This questions were:

  • What is school guidance counselling? Are guidance and counselling synonyms? Develop a personal definition.
  • What are its functions and its main areas?
  • Who receives the school guidance and counselling services?
  • What services are provided in the school guidance and counselling programmes?
  • Who provides these services?
  • When are the school guidance counselling services provided?
  • Where are they provided?

This project provide us a first approach to the subject. Although, because is the first thing we have done, we were a bit lost at the beginning, through this introductory questions we introduced ourselves in the subject in an active way, dividing the work among the people in our group, and looking for information in links and videos (which are very useful because you also practice other skills like listening), provided by the teacher, what makes it more accessible as a first activity. We have learned a lot of basic but necessary aspects about the subject in order to lay down a good base for the future work.


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